“World Sparrow Day is an annual event celebrated on March 20th worldwide to raise awareness about the conservation of sparrows and their declining popu
“આર્યવ્રત નિર્માણ ચેરીટેબલ ટ્રસ્ટ દ્વારા શહીદ દિવસની ઉજવણીમાં બ્લડ ડોનેશન કેમ્પ, વ્રુક્ષા રોપણ અને સર્ધાંજલિ વિધિઓ સમાવિષ્ટ હતી.બ્લડ ડોનેશન કેમ્પ વિભાગ
“World Sparrow Day is celebrated every year on March 20 to raise awareness about the conservation of sparrows and their dwindling population. Aryavrat
“The Shri Aryavrat Nirman Charitable Trust celebrated World Environment Day with great enthusiasm and commitment towards environmental conservation. Th